The recent imprisonment of Spanish rapper Pablo Hasel has sparked debates on freedom of speech and expression. While some argue that his arrest highlights Spain's shortcomings in protecting the right to free speech, others point to Hasel's previous conviction for glorifying terrorism in his songs uploaded on YouTube in 2014.

The court's first judgment in 2014 sentenced Hasel to two years in prison for his lyrics, which included statements like "He deserves to blow up Patxi Lopez's car!" and "I don't feel sorry for your shot in the back of the head, pepero." He also praised terrorist groups like Terra Lliure and GRAPO, claiming they were justified in their actions against imperialism.
Amnesty International has launched a campaign calling for changes in the Penal Code to protect freedom of speech and expression, stating that "rapping is not a crime." However, critics argue that Hasel's imprisonment is a consequence of his glorification of terrorism and is not an attack on free speech.
The case of Pablo Hasel raises important questions about the limits of free speech and the responsibility of artists to refrain from promoting terrorism or violence. While the right to express one's opinion is essential in a democratic society, it also entails a responsibility to respect the rights and dignity of others.